La fin du deuxième cycle de l’enseignement secondaire général marque l’autonomisation des élèves et la maîtrise par eux de la langue anglaise dans toutes ses compétences, à savoir : l’écoute, le parler, la lecture et l’écrit. L’acquisition de ces quatre compétences par les élèves aidera à la poursuite ultérieure de leurs études universitaires.
Les élèves sortant des lycées d’enseignement général seront capables de :
- comprendre des messages oraux et communiquer de manière satisfaisante avec un éventuel interlocuteur.
- interpréter fidèlement tout support sonore, écrit ou visuel de quelque nature que ce soit afin d’en déduire le message.
- lire et comprendre des messages écrits pour l’exploitation maîtrisée de tout document écrit.
- Rédiger tout support écrit simple et complexe afin de communiquer.
Partie II :
Classe de Seconde (2de)
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
1.1 Interpréter des messages
1.2 Réagir à un message |
-Classroom instructions
• Activity rubrics • Intonation, stress and tone in questions and answers • Telephone: Formal/ Informal language • Talks, speeches, pictures • Requests, permission, offer, invitation, condition, prohibition -Affirmative: • Yes. Yeah. Okey. All right. Fine. I am with you. -Negative: • Sorry, what did you say? • I don‟t mind, I mind… • Clarification • Agreement/disagreement |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
2.1 S‟exprimer dans des situations familières
2.2 Décrire des faits réels ou imaginaires
2.3 Respecter les intonations |
-Asking for/giving • Personal information • Permission • Directions • Questions -Making a request, an offer, an invitation… -Talking about: Family • Weather • Plans • Demographic, ecological and social issues • Education, social problems • Health and nutrition, sport and leisure • Telephoning, apologies and excuses, complaints and compliments. -Description of: • A process • A sequence • A recipe -Telling a story |
2.4 Utiliser les différents types de discours
2.5 Etablir des comparaisons
2.6 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales
2.7 Utiliser les règles de concordance de temps
2.8 Former des familles lexicales
2.9 Résumer un texte
2.10 Présenter le compte rendu d‟une lecture, d‟un évènement, ou de quelque chose apprise en classe.
2.11 Débattre d‟un thème
2.12 Utiliser le temps convenable pour exprimer une action ou un évènement.
2.13 Vérifier la compréhension
2.14 Chanter une chanson |
-Sentence stress
• Intonation in connected speech • Liaisons, assimilations
-Using different sorts of speech • Direct speech • Indirect speech
-Comparing people, things and animals • Comparatives • Superlatives -Using forms • Affirmative, negative, …form • Passive/active voice
-Applying tense agreement
-Using affixes • Prefixes and suffixes
-Summary, • main idea, character
-Report presentation • Expose -Agreement/disagreement -Debating on themes: • Demographic and ecological problems • Education and social issues • Health and nutrition • Sport and leisure -Using present tenses-past tenses-future tenses • timely dated events: since, for, ago • future progressive • future perfect -Checking understanding e.g. Alright so far? • Are you with me? • Is that clear? Do you see what I mean? -Checking pronunciation • Intonation • Songs
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
3.1 Utiliser l‟alphabet
3.2 Interpréter diverses formes de supports
3.3 Rechercher des indices de sens
3.4 Résumer un texte
3.5 Lire un message silencieusement
3.6 Former des familles lexicales
3.7 Etablir la relation entre certains mots d‟un texte |
-Spelling words
• Classifying words alphabetically • Checking a word in a dictionary -Interpreting visual supports • Cartoons, pictures, signs… • tables, notices, -Using text type to look for • main idea, characters, themes, illustrations… -Summarizing • literary text, • story, • speech… -Silent reading message • skimming: main/general idea of text • scanning: ideas in details of text -Shaping lexical groups • affixes • contextual cues -Connecting words within a text • referential pronouns • conjunctions |
Objectifs Specifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
4.1 Utiliser le vocabulaire fondamental
4.2 Rédiger des textes sous d‟autres formes que la narration.
4.3 Organiser un texte
4.4 Utiliser les modes et les temps suivant le contexte et les intentions 4.5 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales 4.6 Décrire des iconographies |
Using key words through themes:
• Weather, plans • Demographic and ecological issues • Education and social problems • Health and Nutrition, sport and leisure. -Writing up other types of text: • a report, a letter (personal, informal, business), • a notice, an autobiography, a memo, a composition. -Organizing a text • Punctuation-capital lettersparagraphing -Using tenses and modals • to have to – to be to – to be obliged to -Affirmative, negative forms- passive, active voice. |
-Describing iconographies
cartoons, pictures, tables, photos |
Objectifs spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
5.1 Enrichir son répertoire lexical
5.2 Tenir un cahier de notes
5.3 Utiliser des outils de référence
5.4 S‟auto corriger
5.5 S‟auto évaluer |
Themes :
• Weather, plans • Demographic and ecological issues • Education and social problems Health and nutrition Sport and leisure. Vocabulary: • Semantic field • World family • Alphabetical recording Grammar/structures Using references • Library skills – Book reference – newspapers – • Index – Dictionary – Radio/T.V.
Self correction • Re-drafting • Self assessment. |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
6.1 Organiser le travail de groupe
6.2 Utiliser des techniques et sources d‟informations
6.3 Animer un débat
6.4 Remplir un formulaire |
Organising pair work – group work
• Roles- Turn asking/taking-Interrupting – Bringing in other people
Using information sources • Interview – Observation – Questionnaires – Survey – Presentation Leading a debate • Asking/giving opinions • Turn giving Form filling • Form, boarding cards – Personal information Cheque. |
Classe de Première (1ère)
Objectifs spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
1.1 Interpréter un message
1.2 Réagir à un message
1.3 Décoder un message spécifique |
Message interpreting
• Socializing requests • Invitation. Giving/Asking opinions, advice, suggestion, • Instruction (direct/indirect) • Employment-Social and politic issues, Women, leisure, food and health problems Reacting from a message • Demographic, ecological problems • Agreement/disagreement: Yes. Heath. Okay. All right. Now. Fine.
Intonation in connected speech |
Objectifs spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
2.1 S‟exprimer dans des situations familières
2.2 Décrire des faits réels ou imaginaires
2.3 Produire un message en respectant la |
Expressing oneself on familiar issues Themes :
• Employment. Social and political issues. Women, leisure; food, health and nutrition • Demographic, ecological problems Introductions/Socializing • Requests. Giving/Asking opinions; advice, suggestion, inviting. Telephoning • Apologies and excuses • Complaints, compliments, congratulations. Description of: • A process • Sequences • A recipe Telling a story Articulating language |
2.4 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales
2.5 Utiliser les différents types de discours
2.6 Respecter la concordance des temps
2.7 Former des familles lexicales
2.8 Résumer un texte
2.9 Présenter un compte rendu d‟une lecture ou d‟un évènement
2.10 Débattre d‟un thème
2.11 Utiliser le temps convenable pour exprimer une action
2.12 Vérifier la compréhension
2.13 Chanter une chanson |
• word / sentence Stress
• Intonation in connected speech • Tones Producing sentences forms: • Affirmative, negative, interrogative • Voices: Active / Passive. Using different types of discourse • Direct speech • Indirect speech Matching tense agreement
Shaping affixes • Prefixes • Suffixes Summarizing, main idea, characters… Reporting facts from reading • Report • Presentation -Themes: • Employment • Social and political issues • Women, leisure, food and health problems • Expressing a opinion • Agreement / disagreement -Talking about past events • Used to + infinitive • Be used to + -ing • Present perfect • Pluperfect • Past continuous Checking understanding • -e.g. Alright so far? Are you with me? Is that clear? Do you see what I mean?
Expressing oneself by songs • Pronunciation – Songs |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
3.1 Prédire le contenu d‟un texte
Predicting text contents
• Reading topic sentence / head line, title/ subtitle. • Exploring cover, back page or illustrations. |
3.2 Rechercher les informations essentielles dans le texte
3.3 Interpréter diverses formes de supports
3.4 Résumer un texte
3.5 Utiliser les informations d‟un texte
3.6 Former des familles lexicales
3.7 Etablir la relation entre certains mots d‟un texte
Scanning text facts and events
• Text type, main idea, characters.
Interpreting diverse learning supports • Cartoons, pictures, maps, tables, prose. Summarizing a text Using text information • Information transfer • Reformulation – Drawing – Discussion – Generalization – Application Using affixes • Contextual cues
Cohesion making with cohesive devices • Pronouns: personal, relative, conjunctions. |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels | |
4.1 Utiliser le vocabulaire fondamental
4.2 Rédiger diverses formes de textes
4.3 Organiser des messages écrits
4.4 Utiliser les modes et les temps suivant le contexte et les intentions.
4.5 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales
4.6 Décrire des iconographies
4.7 Utiliser le langage approprié suivant |
Using essential vocabulary Themes :
• Employment. Social and political issues, women, leisure, food and health problems • Demographic and ecological problems Wrriting diverse text types • A report, a letter (personal, formal business), a notice… Connecting writing messages • Punctuation – Capital letters – Paragraphing • Connectives Using tenses and context • Tenses – intentions- modals Making sentences in different forms • Affirmative, negative, interrogative, exclamative… • Voices: Active, passive Describing iconographicals Picture description: • Cartoons, pictures, tables, photos Using language right register and style |
l‟audience | | Formal / Informal language |
| Contracted forms |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
5.1 Enrichir son répertoire lexical
5.2 Utiliser les outils de référence
5.3 S‟auto-corriger
5.4 S‟auto-évaluer |
Improving lexical knowledge Themes :
• Employment. Social and political issues, women, leisure, food and health problems • Demographic and ecological problems Using referential tools • Library skills – Radio, T.V.
Self-correction • Redrafting
Self-assessment |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
6.1 Organiser le travail de groupe
6.2 Utiliser des techniques et sources d‟informations
6.3 Animer un débat
6.4 Remplir un formulaire |
Organizing pair work – group-work
• Roles • Turn asking / giving / taking • Interrupting • Bringing in other people
Using information sources • Observation • Questionnaires- Survey Interview – Radio & T.V. Leading a debate • Organization – Presentation Asking / giving opinions • Turn distribution Form filling • Personal information – Cheque- Boarding Cards |
Bibliography: The Première English Reader INRAP
Classe de Terminale
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
1.3 Interpréter un message
1.4 Réagir à des messages
1.3 Décoder un message spécifique |
Interpreting a message
• Socializing- requests • Invitation. Giving/Asking opinions, advice, suggestion, • Instruction (direct/indirect) Themes: • Food and health • Development • Music and sports • The North / South divide • Famous lives • Transport • Demographic, ecological problem • Social problems Showing understanding • e.g.: Yes. Yeath. Okay. All right so far? Asking for repetition • e.g. I didn‟t get what you said. What did you said? Articulating language • Intonation in connected speech • Liaisons, assimilations, blending |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
2.1 S‟exprimer dans des situations familières
Expressing oneself on familiar events
• Purpose / result • Apologies, excuses, regrets • Complaints, wishes, Requests • Asking someone to do something |
2.2 Décrire des faits réels ou imaginaires
2.3 Produire un message en respectant la prosodie
2.4 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales
2.5 Utiliser les différents types de discours
2.6 Respecter la concordance des temps
2.7 Former des familles lexicales
2.8 Résumer un texte
2.9 Présenter un compte rendu d‟une lecture ou d‟un évènement
2.10 Débattre un thème
2.11 Vérifier la compréhension
• Anger – sadness – indifference
• Necessity, obligation • Compliments, congratulation
Describing real or fictitious facts Themes : • Food and health • Development • Music and sports • The North / South divide • Famous lives • Transport • Demographic, ecological and social issues- politics Description of: • A process • A recipe • An event
Occurring sentences in diverse forms • Telling a story • Word / Sentence Stress • Tones Using different types of discourse • Direct speech • Indirect speech Tense agreement • Forms: Affirmative, negative, interrogative • Voices: Active / Passive Word formation with affixes • Prefixes – Suffixes Summarizing a text • main idea – characters… Making a report for reading, a fact/event • Report – presentation – expose Debating on a theme • Agreement / disagreement • Asking / giving a opinion Checking understanding • Themes: Employment Social and political issues |
2.12 Utiliser le temps convenable pour exprimer une action
Women, leisure, food and health problems
• Checking understanding e.g. Alright so far? Are you with me? Is that clear?Do you see what I mean?
Talking about past events for actions • Used to + infinitive • Be used to + -ing • Present perfect • Pluperfect • Past continuous
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
3.1 Prédire le contenu d‟un texte
3.2 Rechercher les informations essentielles dans le texte
3.3 Interpréter diverses formes de supports
3.4 Résumer un texte
3.5 Former des familles lexicales
3.6 Etablir la relation entre certains mots d‟un texte
Predicting a text contents
• Reading topic sentence / headline, title/ subtitle. • Exploring cover, back page or illustrations. Skimming a text • Text type, main idea, characters.
Interpreting diverse learning supports • Poem – pictures – cartoons- maps- tables – prose. Summarizing
Word making with affixes • Prefixes – suffixes – • Contextual cues
Connecting words of text • Information transfer – Reformulation • Cohesive devices (Pronouns: personal, relative, conjunctions) |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
4.1 Utiliser le vocabulaire fondamental
Using Themes :
• food , health and nutrition • Sport – Music – Leisure • North / South divide • Transport – Environment • Demographic, ecological and social problems |
4.2 Rédiger diverses formes de textes
4.3 Organiser des messages écrits
4.4 Utiliser les modes et les temps suivant le contexte et les intentions.
4.5 Produire des phrases aux différentes formes verbales
4.6 Décrire des iconographies
4.7 Montrer une connaissance de variation de langage et de langue suivant l‟audience
• A report, • a letter (personal, formal, business), • a notice • a memo… Organizing written messages • Punctuation – Capital letters – Paragraphing – connectives Using tenses according to context Tenses: • Future – present – • Past conditional
Making sentences with diverse forms • Negative questions • Voices: Active / passive Picture description: • Cartoons- pictures – maps – graphs – tables- photos
Choice of appropriate register and style • Formal / Informal language • Contracted/ long forms • American / British English |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
5.1 Enrichir son répertoire lexical
5.2 Utiliser les outils de référence
5.3 S‟auto-corriger
5.4 S‟auto-évaluer |
Improving one‟s lexical knowledge Themes :
• food , health and nutrition • Sport – Music – Leisure • North / South divide • Transport – Environment • Demographic, ecological and social problems Using referential tools • Library skills – Index-Contents page Self-correction • Redrafting Self-assessment |
Objectifs Spécifiques | Contenus Notionnels |
6.1 Organiser le travail de groupe
Pair work – group-work Roles |
6.2 Utiliser des techniques et sources d‟informations
6.3 Animer un débat
6.4 Remplir un formulaire
6.5 Communiquer au téléphone |
• Turn asking / giving / taking
• Interrupting politely • Preventing interruptions • Bringing in other people • hesitating Using information sources • Observation – Questionnaires- Survey – Interview – Radio & T.V. Leading a debate • Organization – Presentation – Asking / giving opinions – Turn distribution- newspapers Form filling : • Personal information – Cheque • Boarding Cards Telephone manners and language |
Bibliographie: The Terminale English Reader INRAP
Partie III:
Introduction 1-The secondary school learner
Secondary school learners have particular personal, social and educational needs to be catered for in any discipline but particularly in the foreign language classroom.
The English teaching practice in Congo has not allowed most learners to acquire the language after seven years of learning.
The present syllabus has to ensure that learners are introduced to all the language skills and get enough practice in each of them, as to be able to express themselves in most of the situations.
2-The principles underlying the syllabus
- Students need access to and mastery of both structures and functions. They need an awareness of the language system and the use to which it is put. In addition, they need to be aware of how they learn, and be introduced to means to improve their learning abilities.
- Each of the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing – needs separate and systematic training first, though language has to be seen in terms of integration of skills.
- Different students learn in different ways and are motivated by different approaches and subject matter. Motivation has to be seen in the short term, to generate a more positive orientation to English learning.
3-The syllabus
The syllabus contains six components: listening, speaking, reading, writing, learner training and reinforcing acquired skills.
1.Listening and speaking
Listening and speaking are closely linked though they are presented separately in the training and reinforcing acquired skills. The aim here is to introduce pupils to a range of situations and activities which would develop their competence, precision and confidence in encoding and decoding English messages.
The reading component of syllabus will introduce learners to the type of texts they are likely to read in real life. In addition, it has to demonstrate how each of the texts is read. It is also to give them something interesting and provocative, to encourage them to be independent and efficient readers.
Writing has been taught systematically and not relegated to homework. Writing will include practical writing tasks that extend and reinforce what has been taught. Process writing will be extensively used to help pupils acquire writing skills, and be able to write all the types of texts that may need to be read in real life.
4.Learner Training
These are activities designed to help learners reflect on the way they learn. Thus, these activities assist them to do in class what they will need to be able to do outside. The activities will need to be authentic. This authenticity should relate to the text sources as well as to student activities and tasks. The end aim is to make learners more independent by raising their consciousness and making them be more aware of the learning process.
5.Reinforcing acquired skills
This component of the syllabus is meant to help teacher and his class to focus more on something they have learned, and which needs to be related to real life. Surveys, questionnaires and interviews may be used here, as well as writing a claim, a letter of application to a post, for ex… Scenarios, role play, dramatization using the vocabulary or the language function taught may be used to help learners acquire competence in the language.
4- Approach and methodology
Learning a foreign language is more rewarding, meaningful, and effective is to integrate when the language is used for authentic communication. Activities should provide a maximum amount of pupils-generated communication which would familiarize pupils with the vocabulary, structures, and functions.
Skills may be introduced individually first, but the end objective must integrate the four of them – each may be a starting point of an activity.
The completion of the whole activity is to be a process helping pupils to practice all the four skills.
Pupils have to be encouraged to work in pairs, small groups. They also have to role play and to engage in information sharing activities. Natural and useful language which can be used in real-life situation has to be presented.
5-The teacher’s Guide
The teacher‟s guide gives you some guidance on how to use the present syllabus. Attainment targets are commented as well as the specific objectives. The aim here is not to give extensive explanations and the type of activities which may be done in class. The teacher has to remember that it is the learner who is the main focus of the learning process. Any in-class activity has to contribute to acquisition of language, through the mastery of structures, functions, vocabulary, pronunciation, as well as the four basic language functions.
Besides giving an indication of the teaching activities and the learning ones, the teacher‟s guide also lists down some means of evaluating what is felt to be learnt.
The chart down below displays the list of attainment targets that fit the junior secondary school levels:
List of attainment targets | Level | ||
Seconde | Première | Terminale
-Attainment Target 1: Listening
X | X
-Attainment Target 2: Speaking
-Attainment Target 3: Reading
-Attainment Target 4: Writing
X | X
-Attainment Target 5 : Reinforcing
Acquired Skills |
X |
-Attainment Target 6: Learner
X | X | X |
Comments on Attainment Targets
And Specific objectives
Attainment Target 1 | COMMENT | Evaluative Criteria | |||
Listening | Through the programme of study, pupils should encounter a range of situations and activities which are designed to develop their competence, precision and confidence in listening, irrespective of their initial competence or home language. The programme at lycée level should aim to consolidate and built upon the achievements the junior secondary school. Pupils should be helped to become aware of the social skills of conversation, for example the use of eye- contact or gesture, the need to be prepared to consider an alternative point of view, to be able to listen to someone expressing an opinion, and disagree courteously…
The evaluation will target the cognitive domain.
The teacher must appreciate: The ability of listening and interpreting what is heard or said. |
Specific Objectives | Comments | Strategies /
Teachings activities |
Learning activities | Evaluation | |
1.1.Decoding a message | Pupils have to demonstrate a Growing confidence and competence as
listening to messages |
-Contrast of minimal pairs in context
-Rising. Falling intonation -Sentence intonation |
Pupils listen and choose the right sentence according to the spoken word;
-Pupils listen and choose the correct according to the stressed word. |
Writing Speaking: true/false activities.
1.2.Interpreting a message | Pupils have to demonstrate an increasing ability to evaluate and to reflect on the language; to adjust to the language used and its delivery to understand and respond to difficult ways increasingly precise instructions. | -Listening for specific information -Listening and filling in a chart / table
-Understanding various functions- requests- permissionoffers- invitations,… |
-Pupils listen to a text being read and
fill in the missing word -Pupils listen to a text and fill in a chart; Reconstitute an itinary -Pupils listen a text and use the information to dramatise. -Pupils practise making and responding to requests, invitations, or asking and giving permission |
Matching questions and answers
Writing Blank filling Speaking sentence completion. TPR |
Attainment Target 2 | COMMENT | Evaluative criteria |
Speaking | Listening and speaking are closely linked and we may take them as one attainment targets.
Pupils should be exposed to a range of situations and activities which are designed to develop their competence, precision and confidence in speaking. Though the social environment does not allow for reinforcement of what is learned in class, pupils should be given more opportunities to practice the language in class, as well as at their homes. Pupils should be participating in a widening variety of speaking activities, and grouping in a range of cross-curricular contexts. These should be designed to help pupils to develop their capacity to organize thoughts and curricular contexts, to accommodate wording and grammatical features a |
The evaluation will target the cognitive and psychomotor domains. The teacher must appreciate :
the learner‟s oral production; the accuracy and appropriateness |
according to their purposes. At the lycée level, pupils should be able to ask questions, formulate hypotheses, develop a technical vocabulary as well as working in groups, and explaining, recording and presenting their ideas. | ||||
Specific Objectives | Comment | Teaching strategies activities | Learning strategies | Evaluation |
2.1 Describing experiences | Pupils should demonstrate their growing confidence and competence as speaker by developing fluency and precision in describing experience opinions and articulating personal feelings: They have to formulate and make
appropriate responses to instructions and questions; develop the ability to reformulate spoken language when the meaning is not clear to the listener; develop the ability to adjust the language used and its delivery to suit a particular audience or purpose; be able to work with other pupils. |
The teacher chooses a number of activities
– A process, a sequence – recipe, a story. These serve as models from which pupils have to produce their own texts. |
Pupils read the model texts individually, in pairs, or in small groups. Then, they produce
parallel text to the model provided. A further step would be to ask them to produce an authentic text e.g. a recipe , or a description of an experience they have had. |
Speaking Talking about what is come during the week- end Telling fact about something. Listeningasking question in what have been told to pupils Write a paragraph about any activities in relation with the pupils experiences Tell a story and ask Ss to rewrite it. |
2.2.Talking about known situations | Pupils should be able to express themselves in familiar situations, and convey the intended message. Language related to socializing (i.e. introductions, personal questions) requests, offers, invitation, likes and dislikes, | The teacher chooses a given situation e.g. Socializing, introduces all the language needed. | -Pupils practice the language in a chorus, individually, in pairs. -Pupils dramatize the situation | Speaking, Talking about any situation: likes, dislikes, requests…
Listening to, Asking questions on what have been said. Write a paragraph of your own to |
demographic and ecological issues, heath and nutrition, sports and leisure,… has to be systematically taught, before pupils could use it in their oral productions. Situations are selected according
to the level – Second, Première and Terminale. |
describe a given situation. | |||
2.3 Use intonation to convey specific meaning | Pupils should be given opportunities
to practice intonation to convey specific meaning. They have to demonstrate the accurate use of liaisons and assimilations in connected speech. |
Teacher writes a sentence on the writing board, and shows how the sentence changes meaning according to the stressed word. | Pupils listen to the teacher reading the sentence, and choose the intended meaning. Then, they practice saying the sentence to convey a given meaning. | Speaking oral activities: use the falling intonation, the rising intonation. Writing a paragraph in which you underline the falling intonation. |
2.4 Summarizing
a text |
The teacher gives out a text and explains how to summarize it. Main ideas, characters,… He teaches expressions used in talking about ideas and characters.
e.g. The text is about … The main / secondary character,… |
Pupils read the text, and identify characters, the main ideas… | Speaking (the teacher can read a text twice or three times) The teacher asks his pupils to make a resume orally. Another text can be given to the learners to be summarized by writing. | |
2.5 Giving a detailed account of a reading, an event or something learnt in the classroom. | Pupils have to give oral presentations of a event, or something that has happened to them. The tone, vocabulary and syntax should be suited to the situation. | The teacher asks pupils to choose a text, a topic, a picture, a situation,
… He explains the task. |
Pupils read the text, identify the main ideas, organize them, before getting ready for the presentation. | Speaking on what they have experienced |
Attainment Target 3 | COMMENT | Evaluative Criteria | ||||
Reading | The programme of study for the Lycée level should aim to consolidate and build upon the achieved at the junior secondary school level. Pupils read an increasingly wide range variety of texts, thereby becoming more experienced readers. They should start showing their personal tastes in reading and becoming more independent and reflective.
The reading materials provided should include a range of fiction, non-fiction, as well as tables, charts, leaf lets, notices, graphs, recipes… |
The evaluation will target the cognitive and psycho motor domains.
The teacher must appreciate: the learner‟s ability of reading and understanding the message read.
Specific Objectives | Comments | Strategies / Teachings activities | Learning activities | Evaluation | ||
3.1 Guess the contents of the text | Pupils should be taught how predict / Guess the main idea (s) of a text. This is possible by looking at a topic sentence, a headline, a title or exploring a picture. | Teacher writes a headline, a topic sentence on the writing board. He explains the activity to the pupils.
Brainstorming to be introduced systematically at this level and the teacher has to make sure that every pupil contributes to the activity.
Pupils read the headline or the topic sentence and guess what the text is about. They can start off individually, in pairs, then in small groups. The good guesses may be written on the board, and checked against the facts in the text. | Write a paragraph Writing on
what you have TPR |
3.2 Look for key information in a text | Identifying key information in a text is important for an efficient reader. Pupils should be trained to read for a specific purpose. | The teacher gives out a text with a set of questions. He explains what the pupils have to do, and sets a time limit.
Pupils read the text within the allocated time, and answer the questions. They can also be given a table to fill information they get from the text.
Give them a text : ask 3 of the key questions speaking to be answered in writing. | ||
3.3 (T.P) Use information from a text | What we do of the information we get from a text depends on why we have read such a text. Very often, we tend to retrieve the received | The teacher gives out a text with a number of activities he wants his pupils to do. Pupils may be given a table to fill in, a map on which they draw an | -Information transfer -Reformulation
-Drawing -Discussion -Generalization -Application. |
Writing blank
filling / sentence completion Speaking oral activities -Debate -Reformulation |
INRAP – programmes et guide anglais – lycées | 29 | |||||
information for other uses. | itinary, or they may use ideas from the text to engage in a discussion… | -Transfer of information. | ||
3.4 Using affixes | A good reader has to guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the way it is formed. A teaching
/learning of affixes will help pupils to be more independent readers. |
The teacher introduces some of the common affixes- suffixes and prefixes. He explains their meaning from model, he asks pupils to make more words using the affixes.
(e.g.) (a) un -; en-; dis- (b) – er ; -or ; – ation ; |
Pupils learn the affixes guess the meaning of a word from the affixes; form new words using affixes. | Writing Speaking |
Attainment Target 4 | COMMENT | Evaluative Criteria |
Writing | The programme of study for the Lycée level should build on what has already been achieved. Pupils should begin to develop the idea of shaping and structuring their written work as they write on a range of subjects which spring from their own interests and experiences. They should be given opportunities to write for a number of different audiences: peers, teachers, parents, or the wider community.
Emphasis should be led on process writing rather than product writing. The activities should help pupils to see writing as having a number of elements: -decision making (when the context – the specific situation, precise purpose and intended audience- is established -Planning (when the initial thoughts and framework are recorded and ordered) -drafting (when, with the teacher„s help, or that of other pupils, the pupil works towards clear, grammatically accurate text); -presentation (when the “secretarial” aspects are refined in writing the final draft –evaluation (when the writer, other pupils and the teacher evaluate the writer‟s achievements and identify where improvements could have been made. |
The evaluation will target the cognitive and psycho motor domains. The teacher must appreciate: The good writing of learners in terms of cohesion, coherence, accuracy and appropriateness. |
Specific Objectives | Comments | Strategies /
Teachings activities |
Learning activities | Evaluation | |
4.1 Using basic vocabulary | Pupils should be helped to acquire a basic vocabulary in the themes mentioned in syllabus.
It would be done through a good choice of texts and contexts which introduce such vocabulary. |
Texts will be selected according to the level of learners. The teacher teaches the vocabulary assigns tasks to help pupils use the studied vocabulary. | Pupils write about specific topic, so as they can use the vocabulary related to that topic. | writing -scrambled sentences -essay (written production) Speaking – oral activities Readingmatching activities | |
4.2 Writing messages | In real life, we write for different purposes. The classroom should prepare pupils to write things they are likely to need in their professional or social life. | The teacher
introduces different text types we read or write in real life, and gives pupils practice in writing them. He has to start from a model first, then gradually move to freer production; |
Pupils write things like shopping lists, letters, memos; notices, reports, autobiographies… | Reading understanding activities
Writing written production Listening making predictions Speaking Talking activities.
4.3 Organizing a text | Punctuation and paragraphing are very important for the intelligibility of a text. | The teacher
introduces punctuation mark, and their functions. He gives out a text, asks pupils to put in punctuation marks, and capital letters where necessary. |
Pupils rewrite the text and put in punctuation marks. If the text is long, they can be asked to identify paragraphs. | Punctuation of the text. | |
4.4 Describing pictures | Pictures are very useful teaching aids. They can be used to generate language, thus helping pupils to practice using the studied vocabulary. | The teacher teaches language used for describing pictures:
– on the left, on the right, on top , at the bottom, at the centre, in the foreground, in the background… , and vocabulary needed to describe the picture. He |
Pupils learn the vocabulary for describing pictures. They talk about the pictures in their group, then write a description of the picture. They exchange their production with another group for corrections. | description
→narration Narrative picture talk Hearing activities |
gives out a picture to a group of pupils and asks them, before writing a description may be written individually, or by the Whole group. Descriptions are corrected, and the best one (s) may be put on the class notice board. | |||||
4.4 (T.P) Writing according to register and style. | When we write, we use vocabulary according to the audience-who you are writing for. A text to a friend is different to one you may write to your boss. Most of the vocabulary we use in spoken language may not be appropriate in writing. | The teacher has to draw pupils‟ attention on the difference between spoken and written language, formal and informal language and also American and
British English. Well targeted examples may help make the point. |
Pupils may be asked to write a formal or an informal letter, then may be shown to use contracted forms, and when to use long ones. | guided essay Paragraph writing | |
Attainment Target 5 | COMMENT | Evaluative Criteria | |||
Learner Training | Learner training aims to help learners consider the factors that affect their learning and discover the learning strategies that suit them best so that they may:
-become more effective learners -take on more responsibility for their own learning. Its aim is to prepare learners for independence, by providing them the alternatives from which to make informed choices about what, how, why, when and where they learn. At the Lycée level, pupils should be familiar with what learner training involves. |
The evaluation will focus on the psycho motor and cognitive domains. The teacher must appreciate:
The learner‟s way of learning by himself. |
Specific Objectives | Comments | Strategies / Teachings activities | Learning activities | Evaluation | |
5.1Reporting | At the Lycée level, | The teacher | Pupils read | Summary of | |
reading facts and events | pupils have to take initiatives, in their learning. Extensive reading-reading for pleasure or for specific reasons, would help them increase their vocabulary.
encourages pupils to read extensively if he has a personal library, he may lend some of his books to his pupils. | whatever they want, or find. They may be encouraged to write a summary of what they read. | reading facts |
5.2 Using references | For pupils become independent learners, teachers have to teach them things like:
-how to use a library -how to use an index or -how to use contents page(s) of book. These would help them to find information. |
The teacher shows pupils how to use a library, an index or content pages. He sets activities to help pupils find their way in a library for example, or how to go straight to a chapter with deals with what they want to learn. | Pupils practice how to find a book in a library; how to find a definition of a word using the index… | Put the different words in an alphabetical order. |
5.3 Self-
Evaluation |
Pupils should be helping to assess their work objectively. Some criteria may be outlined so that the pupils check their productions against them. | The teacher sets a task; for example, “write a letter of complaint to your mayor”.
Along with the tasks, he gives pupils criteria for a good composition. When they finish writing, pupils can then assess their writing and say how well they have done.
Pupils read the instructions and do the task. They read the assessment criteria and decide how well they have done. | Selfevaluation activities. |
5.4 Selfcorrection | Pupils have to be able to correct their productions Drafting has to be encouraged so that they can read what they have written and make the appropriate corrections. Pupils can also be encouraged to correct what they | The teacher assigns a task to the pupils, makes sure they understand what they have to do.
Then, he asks them to write out the composition. When they finish writing, he instructs them to read what they have written and make corrections. |
Pupils write a text, then they reread it to make corrections. | Selfcorrection activities. |
have said. |
Attainment Target 6 | COMMENT | Evaluative Criteria | |||
Reinforcing acquired skills | This attainment target aims at building up on what learners have acquired in all the other attainment targets. At this level, we are more concerned with bringing pupils to work more on what they feel is a problem.
It is also hoped that this attainment target will provide a link between what is done in class, and what has to be done in the pupil‟s community. |
The evaluation will focus on the cognitive and psycho motor domains. The teacher will appreciate the ability of solving problem-situations. |
Specific Objectives | Comments | Strategies / Teachings activities | Learning activities | Evaluation | |
6.1 Organizing a group work. | Pupils have to start interacting among themselves. For this, they need to allocate turns for example.
The teacher explains the different roles pupils may have in group work. He asks pupils to form groups(the teacher may decide, or may ask pupils to group themselves) and choose their roles. Then, he sets a task, asking each group member to perform his role. Then, teacher sets tasks to help pupils practice what goes on in a group work | Pupils choose their roles chairperson- time keeper- secretary
– reporter – observer and do the task. The observer may report in the end how members of group acted. Pupils practice how to ask / take or keep a turn: -how to interrupt politely; -how to prevent interruptions; -how to hesitate. |
Reporting any situation -Role play
-dramatization -hearing activities |
6.2 Using techniques and sources of information | In order to be independent learners, pupils have to be taught where to get information from, and how to get it. Techniques such as observations, questionnaires, interviews, have to be taught systematically so that pupils could | The teacher introduces each technique at a time providing a model and enough practice for pupils to internalize it.
Then he sets authentic tasks which encourage pupils to go outside the classroom and |
Pupils study the model(s) provided, and practice it in class.
Pupils go out to school to practice each information gathering technique. They come back to school and |
/ activities Understanding Written productions Written production oraly |
use them outside the classroom. | collect data on a specific topic. | report on their findings. | |||
6.3 Leading debate | Pupils need to be introduced to the techniques used in debates -organizing, presenting, turn distribution,… | The teacher provides a model for each of the stages of a debate. He then asks pupils to read the stages to be familiar with them.
The next step would be to set an activity to practice how to lead a debate. Then, pupils report back to the class. |
Pupils study the model(s) provided by the tea Cher. They group themselves in 4‟s or 5‟s, and do the playing chairperson at a time.
Then, the group discusses what each group member has been doing. They report back to the whole class. |
Debate Discussion Listening Comprehension Reading: -comprehending understanding activities Writing: Paragraph writing Guided production. |